Curbside Voting
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Curbside Voting

Accessibility:If a voter is physically unable to enter the vote center, they can request assistance in casting their vote. An election officer can bring a ballot to the entrance of the vote center or a car parked at the curbside. After the voter marks the ballot using a Duo-Go device, they can give it to the election officer, who will place it in the scanner. Alternatively, at the voter’s request, a companion may hand the voter a ballot and deposit it on their behalf.

Important Tip: In general, you can vote curbside during the early voting period (from the 17th day before Election Day to the 4th day before Election Day for most elections) or on Election Day itself. For a May uniform election date, resulting runoff election, or some special elections, the early voting period is from the 12th day before Election Day until the 4th day before Election Day.

These accommodations are in place to ensure that all eligible voters have equal access to the voting process, regardless of their physical abilities.

Disclaimer: The Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 477 (S.B. 477) that makes a number of changes related to accommodating voters with disabilities.

  • Requires election officers to accept any person with a mobility problem that substantially impairs the person’s ability to ambulate who is offering to vote before accepting others offering to vote at the polling place who arrived before the person.
  • Provides that each polling place must designate a space not smaller than the size of one parking space for curbside voting. The space must be clearly marked with a sign that indicates the space is reserved for a voter who is unable to enter the polling place.

How to Vote using Curbside

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