Harris County registered voters who are temporarily out of the country and wish to vote, may complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). This type of application is limited to:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the FPCA online submission; please email [email protected].
About FPCA
Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) applications pre-qualify U.S. citizens who are temporarily outside of the country to automatically receive ballots for all elections in which they qualify to vote.
The FPCA is valid for one calendar year (last day of December), when completed properly. The FPCA must be resubmitted every time a voter changes mailing address.
To participate in an election taking place within a calendar year, an FPCA may be mailed starting on January 1 of that year.
For additional information visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program’s website at www.fvap.gov.
Temporarily disabled voters may submit a ballot by mail application for a specific election at any time in the year of the election for which a ballot is requested, but not later than the close of regular business in the early voting clerk's office or 12 noon, whichever is later, on the 11th day before election day unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal state or national holiday, in which case the last day is the first preceding regular business day. Eligible applicants will receive a ballot in the mail and must return it to the early voting clerk. The voted ballot must be delivered to the Election Administrator's Office via mail, or common or contract courier by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
You may submit an application for a late ballot because of sickness or disability after the last day of early voting and before 5:00pm on election day. In order to qualify the sickness or disability must originate on or after the 12th day before election day. (Secs. 102.001; 102.003).
You may submit an application to vote due to a death in the immediate family that occurred on or after the 5th day before election day and will be absent from the county on election day. (Secs. 103.001; 103.003b).
Voters are required to submit an application for these specific instances. Please contact the Elections Division at 713-755-6965 for questions.
NOTE: Providing a Texas Driver’s License or Texas Personal ID expedites the voter qualification process.
Harris County Clerk’s Office Elections Department 15600 Morales Road, Houston, TX 77032 (713)755-6965 [email protected] [email protected]